Cooperation of police and public prosecution in serious crime cases
Project date range: 2003 - 2006
The Federal Ministry of Justice had sponsored a detailed organizational investigation of public prosecution authorities in Germany in 1988 already. Findings suggested that the collaboration with external bodies such as the police was most important. Building on these results, the Ministers of Justice of the Länder decided to foster new forms of collaboration between police and public prosecution. The aim of the KrimZ project was to gain a nationwide overview of practised ways of collaboration between police and public prosecution as well as their optimisation by direct personal collaboration of staff.
Standardised telephone interviews; face-to-face problem-centred interviews with police officers and public prosecutors.
Schemer, Silke (2007). Kooperation trotz Statusunterschied? Die Zusammenarbeit von Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft unter dem Blickwinkel arbeits- und sozialpsychologischer Theorien. (Kriminologie und Praxis; Bd. 55). Wiesbaden: KrimZ. [Online-publication]